Thank you to David Cumming for the gift of these negatives to the Vintage Speedcar Association of NSW. These photos, from the donated negatives, were printed by VSA Clubmember, the late Kevin Buksin.
Midget drivers salute the crowd at Liverpool Speedway.
The late " Gorgeous" George Tatnell sits in # 75 and warms it up for his heat. Gentleman standing over George is the late Ray Revell and man behind 75 is Gordon Benny.
Close action with the midgets at Liverpool.
The late " Tiny" Jack Watson in # 22 gets a serve from Gordon Benny in # 10 while John Alexander in the Higgins # 30 brings up the rear.
A series of three photos from David Cumming of some action between Gorden Benny in the Holden #10, Garry McClenahan in the Offy # 76 and Lou Marshall in trouble in Offy # 72.
Two great shots showing Garry Rush in the Ward supercharged # 3 leading Gordon Benny in the Holden # 10.
Gordon Benny leads Sid Middlemass, Bruce Doolan and Johnny Stewart.
Next lap Doolan's gone, Sid and Stewy move up.
Another lap and Stewy has disposed of Sid and is on Gordon's tail.
Gordon Benny spins infield.
Benny again running with Jack Watson in # 22 and sidecarist Graham Young out wide in  # 75
Gordon Benny in # 10 heads Bryan Cunneen in # 5, the ex Bob Tattersall Hollywood Spring and Axle Offy # 54. 
Afternoon shadows fall on the midgets at Liverpool as we leave this tribute to David Cumming photos. Sid Clarke in the Pont Holden # 51 leads Benny in 10 and Barry Butterworth in the Mackay Offy # 76 in the rear.  Who's outside ?